They need to level up with the specific move learned for the evolution to trigger. From there head east back across the steel bridge. The following Pokemon need to learn the listed move in order to evolve. Level Type Mightyena 38 Dark After taking Aliana out, all of the Team Flare. Once they level up with high friendship, their evolution will trigger. You can check friendship quickly through the Friendship Checker Poketch app-the Pokemon needs 2 hearts when you tap them. The following Pokemon evolve when they attain a high friendship with you. If Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke, or Haunter are holding an Everstone while traded, their evolution will not trigger. Most of the Pokemon need to be holding a specific item when traded in order to evolve. The following Pokemon will evolve when you trade them with another player. Evolution stones are items that can be obtained around Sinnoh or dug up in the Grand Underground. The following Pokemon will evolve when you use an Evolution stone on them. Pokemon can gain more experience by participating in battles (whether it performs an attack or not), but all Party Pokemon will gain Exp., whether they participated or not, due to the Exp. The most common way for Pokemon to evolve is by gaining experience to meet the level required for evolution.